Interdisciplinary School on Impacts of Climate Extremes
Set against the backdrop of our commitment to interdisciplinary excellence, this summer school is tailored to doctoral students and early-career postdocs and is dedicated to advancing our understanding of the impacts of climate extremes.
The first climes summer school focused on understanding the multifarious impacts of climate extremes in an interdisciplinary setting. The program was designed to foster scientific dialogue among Ph .D. students and researchers from diverse backgrounds.
17th – 20th June
@Geocentrum, Uppsala University, Sweden
Aula: Norrland II
Program Highlights
Lectures: Daily thematic lectures on Climate Extremes, Differential Climate Impacts, Climate Extremes and Public Health, and Artificial Intelligence in Climate Science.
Exercise Sessions: Application-oriented sessions to practice methodologies discussed during lectures.
Soft Skills: Developmental sessions focusing on essential academic and professional soft skills, including communication to different audiences and participatory research.
Social Events: Opportunities for networking and informal exchanges, including a social dinner.
Presentations: Participants will present outcomes of exercise sessions, facilitating academic discourse and feedback.
The school runs between 9.00-16.00
Dr. Ramón Fuentes Franco, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI)
- Extreme events in the climate system, a historical background and the current context of climate models simulating extreme events
- Profile
Prof. Emily Boyd, Lund University
- Disproportionate Impacts of Climate Extremes
- Soft Skills III: Communicating Scientific Results to Different Actors/Policy Briefs and Communication
- Profile
Dr. Elena Raffetti, Karolinska Institutet, Uppsala University
- Impacts of Climate Extremes on Population Health: Methods and Insights
- Profile
Prof. Joakim Nivre, RISE Research Institute of Sweden
- AI for Climate Impacts
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Dr. Olof Mogren, RISE Research Institute of Sweden
- AI for Climate Impacts
- Profile
Prof. Gabriele Messori, Uppsala University
- Challenges and Opportunities for Studying Impacts of Climate Extremes
- Profile
Dr. Monica Persson Manrique, The Swedish Rheumatism Association
- Soft Skills II: Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement in Research
- Profile
Dr. Ana-Maria Vargas, Lund University
- Soft Skills I: Engagement with Local Actors
- Profile
Dr. Taís Maria Nunes Carvalho, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ
- Exercise Sessions
- Profile
For more information on the application process, detailed program or any other questions contact us.