climes Summer School

Interdisciplinary School on Impacts of Climate Extremes

Please keep an eye out for the 2025 edition, which will be announced in early 2025. 

Set against the backdrop of our commitment to interdisciplinary excellence, this summer school is tailored to doctoral students and early-career postdocs and is dedicated to advancing our understanding of the impacts of climate extremes.



Application Details

  • Attendees Cover Their Own Travel and Subsistence Costs: The school is free to attend, including the social dinner, but attendees are responsible for covering their own accommodation and travel expenses.
  • Apply for Sponsorship (if needed): The school organisers have funding to provide travel support for those who would not otherwise be able to attend the school. However, the available funding is limited, and may not be able to cover all requests. Attendees interested in seeking financial support must submit a one-page summary clearly explaining why they need support and providing a cost estimate for the required support.
  • The Summer School will accept a limited number of participants.
  • The school corresponds to 5 days of full-time working equivalent and attendance certificates can be issued upon request.


For more information on the application process, detailed program or any other questions contact us.

Previous editions


The climes Summer School 2024 at Uppsala University, from June 17-20, offered doctoral students and early-career postdocs an interdisciplinary program on climate extremes. Featuring thematic lectures, practical exercise sessions, soft skills development, and networking events, the school aims to foster scientific dialogue and collaboration. 

More details here.